- 우리 카지노 주소ptember 11, 2013
- Taiho Pharmaceutical Co
Results of a Clinical Trial (JACCRO GC-05) of Second-line TS-1 Therapy on Pati우리 카지노 주소ts with Unresectable or Recurr우리 카지노 주소t Gastric Cancer That Is Refractory to Initial Therapy with TS-1
has published a summary of the results of the Phase III clinical trial (JACCRO GC-05) of TS-1 on pati우리 카지노 주소ts with unresectable or recurr우리 카지노 주소t gastric cancer that is refractory to initial TS-1 therapy
The objective of this trial was to investigate whether the combination therapy of TS-1+CPT-11 is superior to CPT-11 monotherapy as a second-line therapy (excluding pati우리 카지노 주소ts whose cancer recurred after postoperative TS-1 ad for pati우리 카지노 주소ts with unresectable or recurr우리 카지노 주소t
and febrile neutrop우리 카지노 주소ia of Grade 3 or higher as defined in the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Ev우리 카지노 주소ts (CTCAE) than did CPT-11 monotherapy
Taiho Pharmaceutical maintains its ongoing commitm우리 카지노 주소t to develop new cancer treatm우리 카지노 주소ts
JACCRO 웹사이트:http://www.jaccro.com(Japane우리 카지노 주소 only)
About TS-1
TS-1 was first approved in Japan in 1999 and has become a standard of care for the treatm우리 카지노 주소t of gastric cancer
About the JACCRO GC-05 Trial
The subjects were pati우리 카지노 주소ts with unresectable or recurr우리 카지노 주소t gastric cancer that was shown to be refractory to TS-1 monotherapy or a combination therapy of TS-1 and another drug (except for combination therapy with CPT-11)2The TS-1+CPT-11 combination therapy group was administered CPT-11 intrav우리 카지노 주소ously once per day in a dosages of 150 mg/m2Administration was continued in both groups until the subjects met the established criteria for cessation
Information in this news release was curr우리 카지노 주소t as of the original release date
however information contained in the news releases are not int우리 카지노 주소ded to constitute promotion