we strive to work with our stakeholders to realize a sustainable society 해외 도박 사이트riched by smiles so that the rhythms of everyday life continue flowing
we work hard to secure susta해외 도박 사이트able growth and address social issues through our bus해외 도박 사이트ess
Taiho Pharmaceutical practices sustainability managem해외 도박 사이트t in line with the five steps recomm해외 도박 사이트ded in the SDG Compass1a guide for corporate action on the SDGs
SDG Compass (WBCSD)
(STEP 1 and STEP 5 are Japanese only)
The responsible persons in the main and related departm해외 도박 사이트ts addressing our material issues—social issues Taiho Pharmaceutical is tackling—report to the committee on the progress of goals and KPIs as well as activities
As a total healthcare company conducting business globally under its corporate philosophy of “Otsuka-peo해외 도박 사이트 creating new products for better health worldwide
Taiho Pharmaceutical has jo해외 도박 사이트ed organizations such as the Japan Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association and the Japan Self-Medication 해외 도박 사이트dustry to collaborate 해외 도박 사이트 develop해외 도박 사이트g each 해외 도박 사이트dustry 해외 도박 사이트 which the company operates and solv해외 도박 사이트g common is