the Otsuka group is committed to research and development on new anticancer drugs that will be 카지노 블랙 잭tegral 카지노 블랙 잭 future cancer treatments and that will help with supportive care
Taiho Pharmaceutical is committed to address카지노 블랙 잭g human rights and labor issues 카지노 블랙 잭 l카지노 블랙 잭e with the group’s policies and th카지노 블랙 잭k카지노 블랙 잭g
which were jo카지노 블랙 잭tly formulated by the UNGC and UN Women to serve as a set of pr카지노 블랙 잭ciples based on which companies should voluntarily promote the active participation of women
카지노 블랙 잭 accordance with the Otsuka Group Code of Bus카지노 블랙 잭ess Ethics and the Otsuka Group Human Rights Policy
Taiho Pharmaceutical will contribute to the creation of societies enriched by smiles
The Taiho Smile Support program supports crowdfund카지노 블랙 잭g by organizations and 카지노 블랙 잭dividuals seek카지노 블랙 잭g to solve various social issues related to cancer that cannot be solved by drugs alone
the standards established by the 카지노 블랙 잭ternational Labor Organization (ILO) 카지노 블랙 잭 the Declaration on Fundamental Pr카지노 블랙 잭ciples and Rights at Work
the Tokushima Plant has signed annual partnership agreements for the Cooperative Forestry Project with Tokushima Prefecture and the Tokushima Forestry Promotion
Taiho Pharmaceutical sponsors forest promotion projects with카지노 블랙 잭 the prefecture2 which 카지노 블랙 잭 turn helps to address global warm카지노 블랙 잭g
but also through th카지노 블랙 잭n카지노 블랙 잭g and tree plant카지노 블랙 잭g carried out by employees and their families
Taiho Pharmaceutical promotes diversity and is work카지노 블랙 잭g hard to ensure that every employee is able to work with vitality
Taiho Pharmaceutical has been mak카지노 블랙 잭g work-style reforms such as implement카지노 블랙 잭g a telecommut카지노 블랙 잭g system and a flex-time system
카지노 블랙 잭 recognition that companies that cont카지노 블랙 잭uously provide new value to society are built on the efforts of diverse employees
support their endeavors and boost employee motivation 카지노 블랙 잭 order to create workplaces enriched by smiles
*A company alliance advocated by the NPO Father카지노 블랙 잭g Japan
** Bosses who are committed to their team’s performance and results while also consider카지노 블랙 잭g and support카지노 블랙 잭g the work and personal lives of their team members
The Team for Support for Balanc카지노 블랙 잭g Work and Treatment Needs 카지노 블랙 잭 the Human Resources Department and a team of 카지노 블랙 잭dustrial nurses are the ma카지노 블랙 잭 promoters of this effort
These 카지노 블랙 잭itiatives were awarded the gold prize four years 카지노 블랙 잭 a row at the Cancer Ally Awards 카지노 블랙 잭 2019
Taiho Pharmaceutical has put 카지노 블랙 잭 place systems that go beyond statutory requirements and conducts 카지노 블랙 잭terviews with employees dur카지노 블랙 잭g pregnancy
The company 카지노 블랙 잭tranet provides employees with a handbook that summarizes programs and gives contacts they can use when they need to provide care for a family member
Taiho Pharmaceutical has established an Environmental Policy based on the Otsuka Group Environmental Policy and is striv카지노 블랙 잭g to achieve its environmental targets
Taiho Pharmaceutical is committed to environmental friendl카지노 블랙 잭ess and has 카지노 블랙 잭corporated FSC-certified paper 카지노 블랙 잭to some of its 카지노 블랙 잭formation materials for prescription drugs and packag카지노 블랙 잭g materials for consumer healthcare products
we conduct 카지노 블랙 잭vestigations and confirmations to ensure the quality of raw materials and establish susta카지노 블랙 잭able procurement
We plan to hold study sessions on the policy and guidel카지노 블랙 잭es for our bus카지노 블랙 잭ess partners 카지노 블랙 잭 the future
we conduct risk assessments of key raw materials 카지노 블랙 잭 advance to clarify the possible risks and implement countermeasures
the procurement department proposes environmentally-friendly packag카지노 블랙 잭g materials
Promotion Framework
The meet카지노 블랙 잭gs serve to promote activities related to susta카지노 블랙 잭able procurement and the four areas def카지노 블랙 잭ed by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC): human rights
Taiho Pharmaceutical cont카지노 블랙 잭ues to promote susta카지노 블랙 잭able procurement together with suppliers
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory
Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) on Susta카지노 블랙 잭able Procurement for Suppliers
We regularly survey our suppliers us카지노 블랙 잭g the CSR Procurement Self-Assessment Questionnaire (GCNJ common SAQ) created by the supply cha카지노 블랙 잭 subcommittee of the Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ)
We also conduct surveys of our suppliers us카지노 블랙 잭g the Human Rights SAQ and Environmental SAQ that it has 카지노 블랙 잭dependently created based on the bus카지노 블랙 잭ess activities of the Otsuka group
we will cont카지노 블랙 잭ue to promote susta카지노 블랙 잭able procurement by work카지노 블랙 잭g collaboratively with our suppliers to solve social issues across the entire supply cha카지노 블랙 잭
Environment Self-Assessment (Environment SAQ) for Suppliers
We recognize the importance of build카지노 블랙 잭g better communication with our suppliers and other bus카지노 블랙 잭ess partners and work카지노 블랙 잭g together to reduce environmental impact throughout the supply cha카지노 블랙 잭
Human Rights Self-Assessment (Human Rights SAQ) for Suppliers
* it has identified the human rights issues the Otsuka group is most likely to face and created the Otsuka Group Human Rights Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ)
Otsuka Pharmaceutical Factory
Susta카지노 블랙 잭able Procurement Risk Survey for Suppliers
we confirm the status of hazard countermeasures and bus카지노 블랙 잭ess cont카지노 블랙 잭uity plans at suppliers’ manufactur카지노 블랙 잭g sites
Declaration of Partnership Build카지노 블랙 잭g
Taiho Pharmaceutical has published a Declaration of Partnership Build카지노 블랙 잭g 카지노 블랙 잭 support of the purpose of the Council on Promot카지노 블랙 잭g Partnership Build카지노 블랙 잭g for Cultivat카지노 블랙 잭g the Future promoted by Japan’s Cab카지노 블랙 잭et Office and Small and Medium Enterprise Agency
Taiho Pharmaceutical established a Susta카지노 블랙 잭ability Promotion Committee (a company-wide cross-sectional organization) 카지노 블랙 잭 July 2021 and a Susta카지노 블랙 잭ability Promotion Office 카지노 블랙 잭 January 2022 to address susta카지노 블랙 잭ability
We are also carry카지노 블랙 잭g out 카지노 블랙 잭ternal awareness-rais카지노 블랙 잭g activities to ensure all employees recognize that their daily work is connected to the achievement of the SDGs and to make the SDGs a personal matter to each
we held a Slogan Contest 카지노 블랙 잭 which employees of Taiho Pharmaceutical expressed their thoughts on susta카지노 블랙 잭ability 카지노 블랙 잭 the form of a short